好想哭..... :'(
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Chocolates from ~ Chloe ~ at 6:30 PMWednesday, August 13, 2008
New style, New look, New semester, New life hopefully...
Chocolates from ~ Chloe ~ at 7:49 PMNew semester has started again... I am in year 3 now and this year will be a busy year for me I guess. I am taking 6 modules this semester.
HR 2002 Human Capital in Organizations
SSD 2210 Managing Singapore's Built Environment
CE 3115 Geotechnical Engineering
CE3165 Design of R.C. Structural System
CE 3101 Integrated Infrastructure Project
GEK 1036 Cross-cultural Communication Discourse
Taking my Singapore Studies and Arts GEM in one go. These 2 modules are considered to be 'toughest' module and students will SU-ed them usually. Of course I hope I can do well so that I don't have to SU it and they can help me to pull up my CAP. CE 3101 is a design project, which is mainly work on a project with no lecture and tutorial at all, but it requires high commitment. 3 students in a group will be given a real infrastructure project and we have to establish a concept master plan to present to the company. Last year students were given the Integrated Resort Project and the project this year will be known next week. I believe it will be an interesting one. The most interesting part is there will be the prizes and 3 best students will be selected to represent NUS to France for another design competition. $1000 allowance will be given out for students to travel in Paris! But it is nearly impossible for me to get the prize lar...So many geniuses around... I think I will do my best also as I believe I can learn lots of things in this project.
New look, it's my new hairstyle. I cut my hair already as I am having quite serious hair loss problem. I have no choice but to cut it short, hoping that it will reduce my hair loss problem. I am quite happy with my new hairstyle also as my friends said that it is very special and it suits me. hahaha...so happy! I tried to take picture to keep the look because when hair grows long later it will not be as special anymore, but I couldn't take a picture that really can show the uniqueness of my hair. T_T
New life, I am thinking to try out new thing this year. Something that I want to do but haven't done. I will be joining some sports like volleyball or badminton, and swimming. Healthy mind comes from healthy body. I need to exercise more to keep my brain alert. I am thinking to join community service too to help the needy, especially elderly. I saw an old lady in Clementi one evening. She was pushing a trolley in front of her and carrying a plastic bag in her arm. She walked towards a trash can and started to search. I was not too sure what she was searching but I guess she must be searching something like Aluminium can or cardboard. While she was searching, she found an almost-finished 'jack'n jill' potato chips which was already thrown away by people. She took it and sat on the bench and start eating the chips. I felt sympathize to her. I hope that I can help her, in some way...But I don't know how...I can't just approach her and give her money. She might feel bad if she thinks that I am treating her like a beggar...and my intention was definitely not like that. So I just sat there and watched her (of course without her notice...) She finished her chips and stood up again and push her trolley away....
I believe there are still lots more old folks out there that living a poor life. They are different with those that sent by children to old folks home, where there are people to take care of them and there are many organizations that visit them every months or every year. So I want to help those that are being neglected by the society, and living miserable life out there...I want to find the community service that is really giving help to this group of people. They are the one that really need help.
Another thing that i want to try...dancing. Thinking to learn something new in my university life. People always say that their university life is very funfilling and they learn lots of things during their university life. But I haven't had one. So I will try this out. And I also think that my body is too rigid le...want to learn dancing to make my body more flexible. hehe...
I have been procrastinating to finish my internship report. I have done most of the writing and I just have to do some editing and insert some pictures. Just left the last bit and I am done! But I feel reluctant to open the file and do it. Hmz..think I really have to finish it ASAP. Projects are coming starting next week. This semester really have lots of projects...arrgghhhhh >.<
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Chocolates from ~ Chloe ~ at 8:10 PM这一趟回家,我终于学会做菜了!第一次做菜,感觉好像长大了,也发现做菜好像不是很难罢了,这个是叫做有天份吗?哈哈!好像有点自大了 :P
当当当当!!! 我这道菜,爸爸竟然打了9.9分!哈哈...(老爸,你这关好像不会很难过哦!:P)煮法是平时看妈妈做菜学来的。
1。 先把鸡肉切块。
3。 把鸡肉倒进锅里,加入一点水。
4。 加点黑酱油和酱青,炒了一下在加点糖。加点蚝油会让味道更好噢...
5。 把锅盖上,待一阵子。鸡肉变软了表示熟了,试下味道,味道可以了的话加入青葱来点缀颜色。
1。 把羊角豆以斜线的方式切短,斜斜的看上去比较美。
2。 同样把锅弄热后加入些油,放入一小撮蒜炒香。
3。 倒入羊角豆,加一些水。
4。 放一些酱青,加一点蚝油。
5。 待羊角豆都熟了(变软了)之后,加入sambal,喜欢吃辣的就放多一点。
第三道菜:虾炒介兰菜 介兰和菜心是我最爱吃的菜。=)
1。 加些油入热锅,放进蒜和虾炒香。
2。 把菜倒进锅里,在锅里把菜翻来翻去。
3。 待菜都软了之后,加入点水, 再加点酱青和蚝油。
4。 在少许蜀粉加入水搅合, 加入锅里。蜀粉可以让汤呈汁状,看上去比较好看。
5。 切勿让菜在锅里煮太久,不然便会出水,菜就不好吃了。
第四道菜:煎大葱蛋 煎蛋可以说是最容易得了。
1。 先把蛋打入碗中,用叉把蛋黄和蛋白搅匀。
2。 在蛋里加入一点酱青和胡椒粉。
3。 把大葱切片,放入锅里炒香。
3。 把大葱从锅中拿起,放进蛋里搅在一起。
4。 把已搅好的大葱和蛋慢慢倒进锅里。把锅拿起然后像转圆圈般摇动,让堆积在中间的蛋流到锅旁,形成薄薄的一片。
5。 待一阵子,用舀子把蛋翻过另一边煎。功夫好一点的话可以像我爸那样把整个锅拿起,大力荡一下,整个蛋可以完美无缺的翻过另一边, 就好像戏里边常做的那样。这个我不会,所以我煎的你也可以看到,是两三团的。呵呵... :P