Saturday, March 20, 2010

Taiwan Facial Masks Sales

Hello ! I am helping a friend to sell facial masks from Taiwan and I have setup a blog about this. Please visit the blog at Trust me! It's a great deal.

We are now selling at SGD 0.90 per piece. Can mix and match all the products. And Right now the promotion is buy 15 and get 1 for FREE! YES, it is 15 FREE 1 !!! Till 31st March only. So hurry up!! ^__^

Our products are 100% imported from Taiwan.

我的心機面膜系列 My Scheming Beauty Facial Masks

我的心機~玻尿酸面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate / Bolivian Uric Acid Mask ** Best Seller**
我的心機~竹炭面膜 Bamboo Chacoal Hydrating Mask **Best Seller**
我的心機~Q10膠原蛋白面膜 Q10 Collagen Mask
我的心機~淨化調理面膜 Iris Extract Purifying Mask
我的心機~角質深層清潔面膜 Deep Cleansing Bacillus Ferment Mask
我的心機~頂級左旋C面膜 Levoratoy C / Ascorbic Acid Mask
我的心機~葡萄籽面膜 Grape Seed Extract Mask
我的心機~牛奶美白保濕面膜 Milk Whitening Moisture Mask
我的心機~綠茶薏仁面膜 Green Tea & Barley Extract Mask
我的心機~綠茶草本抗痘面膜 Osmosoft / Herbaceous Anti-Acne Mask
我的心機~熊果素亮白無暇面膜 我的心機~蘆薈維他命E修護面膜 Aloe Vera + Vitamin E Repairing Mask

北海道戀人系列 Hokkaido Lover Mask
【北海道戀人】Q10緊緻彈力面膜 Q10 Elastic Mask
【北海道戀人】15?煥顏面膜 Argireline + Amino Mask
【北海道戀人】左旋C晶透?白面膜 L-Ascorbic Whitening Mask
【北海道戀人】玻尿酸水漾面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate /Bolivian Uric Acid Mask
【北海道戀人】控油調理雙效面膜 Anti-Oil Purifying Mask
【北海道戀人】櫻花嫩白光采面膜 Sakura Softening + Whitening Mask
【北海道戀人】E.G.F 修護無痕面膜 EGF Reconstructing + Repairing Mask

Some sample pictures for your reference.. ^__^

Here comes my job offer !

Wow! I have left this blog abandoned for about 3 months already! It wasn't that I was too busy and no time to blog. It was just simply because I was not motivated to blog. I dunno why, just reluctant somehow..

I went for an interview last week. Didn't expect to get his job offer actually, coz there is only one position opening. As it's a position of a sales engineer, the boss actually looking for a person that possess a car. and I don't have one..

Surprisingly, the company called me up for 2nd interview in next few days after the 1st interview. The company has already given me the job offer, to the salary that I requested. The benefits are quite good actually.. The company will provide me a car and a phone, and give me petrol card and cash card. He said I can pump petrol as much as I like, the the cash card will pay for the ERP and parking. Sounds too good to be true! But I didn't accept that offer on the spot. haha Just told him that I will give him answer as soon as possible, and he required me to reply him by next Wednesday.

I guess I will be taking up this job. It has always been my wish to get a job before I am graduated. And the employee benefits that he offers he are not bad after all. Being a fish in a small pond, I think I will have plenty of chance to learn. and I will be a big fish in a medium pond in times to come. I will help the company to expand to a bigger one.. =)
No doubt that I hope to work in a big company, but since I still haven't gotten any reply from other companies, I think I will go with this.

So the next thing that I'm gonna do is to convert my license by taking up a theoretical test. After that apply for PR. coz I am employed! ^__^

Alright, wish me luck! =)