Saturday, March 21, 2009

Take a break, look at the sky...

It was raining just now and the sky turned reddish blue after the rain. A beautiful rainbow arched across the sky right outside my window...
See the reddish blue sky after the rain.. but can barely see the shape of the rainbow only simply because my SE camera is not powerful enough... sob sob :'(
but trust me, it was much nicer than this in real..
The sky turned blueish...
and it turned dark...I just realised how fast the sky turns dark in dusk...
It was just 4 minutes after the first picture was taken...
It reminds me of a chinese proverbs 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。

I like the sky... ^__^
How nice if I could lie on the meadows and watch the sky...
Wish to see sunrise and sunset...